A very merry Christmas and holiday season to each of you from Dianne and me!
Here are a few notes from Lake Oswego:
Millenium Park Plaza in Final Phase! ~ The improvements include a small grove of Fuji cherry trees, a water feature and an ADA standard ramp to improve accessibility. Views of Lakewood Bay will be enhanced, and there will be even more room for Lake Oswego’s famed Farmers’ Market and the Lake Run. The park will re-open in May of 2010 in time for Farmers’ Market.
Historic Belluschi House Moves to Marylhurst ~ A home built by noted Portland architect, Pietro Belluschi will stay in Lake Oswego after all. Many thanks to Marylhurst University, where it will receive a permanent home on campus, and be restored as a lasting reminder of Belluschi’s architectural legacy. It is truuly a work of mid-century modernist art, and was about to be demolished until Marylhurst came to the rescue. Fund-raising efforts are now underway to move and restore the house. Here is a link to a photo in ModernHomesPortland.com: Belluschi House
Coat Drive ~ Lake Oswego will be collecting coat for Clackamas County Women and Children’s Centers through the month of February. If you wish to donate, please stop by City Hall at 380 A Avenue, or call 503 635 0257.
Adult Community Center New Year’s Luncheon ~ Doors open on Wednesday, December 30th at 11:30 for this fabulous feast & opportunity to celebrate with your neighbors. Suggested donation is $4.00 for those 60 & older, and $5.00 for all other attendees. The Community Center is located at the intersection of 5th & G Avenues.
Safety ~ The Lake Oswego Fire Department reminds us to consider safety and the safety of those around us as we move through this beautiful holiday season fraught with its own unusual circumstances. We are not usually stringing lights all over our homes for instance, and do not usually place trees in our living rooms adorned with lights of their own. The snaps of really cold weather (which broke many pipes in town a week or so ago) add another twist as we haul out our space heaters on those super frosty days. Here is a link to some safety tips for you and your family: Safety at Holiday Time