Real Estate Notes:
Tax Credit Extension Update: Well, most expected HR 4213 to pass the Senate, but it was rejected in a test vote on Monday 52 – 45. This bill would have extended the mandatory closing deadline for real estate closings to September, thereby cutting some slack to the many Buyers, Escrow officers and Lenders who are working their way through the morass… all with the same deadline. There is a real concern that as next Wednesday approaches, the bottleneck will strangle many of these deals due to sheer volume and limited capacity and resources to finish on time.
As of today, June 24th, the Senate will “continue considering” the bill, and a number of amendments. This bill also includes other considerations including extending unemployment benefits, and will reportedly add 80 billion to the deficit. This is the reason being given for it’s defeat in the test vote on Monday in it’s then-current form.
Community-Wide Garage Sale! Get ready to say goodbye to those items you no longer need in your home. To someone else they will be a “find”! Register your sale and your location will be mapped with your sale items listed. Free to Lake Oswego citizens, and Free publicity to boot! The event is July 10th from 8AM till 3PM. You have until June 28th to register. Click Here
The Sensitive Lands debate has been quite high profile for some time now, with citizens very concerned on all sides of the issue… concerned with how properties will be affected; concerned about how the natural landscape will be affected; concerned about how local government is handling an issue so important to citizens and the environment alike. The Second Look Task Force is completing their review of the environmental and regulatory purposes, and providing recommendations for changes that increase flexibility & clarity, and maintain the community’;s committment to the natural environment. If you’d like to know how you can provide input, Click Here. (All meetings except for July 10th will be televised live beginning at 6:30 PM on TVCTV Channel 23 or 28.)
Herbicides on Lake Front: From July 21 – 25 aquatic herbicides will be applied to shorelines along the main lake and Blue Heron Canal. For more information call Casey Deck at 503 636 1422.
Take A Free Tour! Have you been wanting to learn more about all of those sculptures & works of art you see around town? You can enjoy a walk with a Docent who will show you many of them in Lake Oswego’s “Gallery Without Walls”. Learn what the artist was thinking and how the piece was crafted. Tours are scheduled for June 25, 26, and 27 from 11AM till noon and 3PM till 4PM. No reservations are required. Proceed to the front of St. Honore Bakery at 315 1st St. next to Millenium Park Plaza. For more information call 503 675 3738.