News & Notes

*JOBS: Moving to Lake Oswego and looking for a job?

– The City of Lake Oswego has several openings.  Check them out HERE.

– Parks and Recreation job openings can be found HERE.

* BANK-OWNED PROPERTIES: Dianne and I work with a wide array of clients, and each client is different; looking for a solution to their own unique circumstance.  That said, one thing that everyone seems to ask about these days is “bank-owned” or REO properties.  Yes, these are available in Lake Oswego, and the appeal is that they are almost always under market value.  These properties have either gone through the short-sale phase unsuccessfully (they didn’t sell while listed as short-sale), or have just gone straight back to the bank and therefore appear as a new property on the market where the Seller is the Bank.

I usually talk with clients about the fact that they are really looking for a *home* that meets their needs… both monetary and otherwise (location/school/amenities/lot size/number of bedrooms & other criteria), and so I focus on the whole picture as there are so many good “deals” on the market right now whether they are bank-owned or not.  AND, bank-owned properties, if they fit your other needs, are a great resource when you’re looking at the financial side.

Below you’ll find the bank-owned properties on the market in Lake Oswego right now, as well as the ones that have Sold in the last 30 days.  I included some basic directions in case you wanted to drive by and see if any of these interest you. ***Of course, do not drive in the driveways or otherwise disturb the new owners of the ones in the “Sold” category : )

To answer a question that always seems to come up: If a house shows a lower List Price than Sold Price this can have multiple reasons including seller-paid concessions (closing costs etc), multiple offers & therefore “bidding up” on price, etc.

Hopefully this is a good reference-resource for you. Happy August!

Address List Price Sold Price # Beds # Baths Total SF Style Directions
13990 SHIREVA CT $245,000 3 2 1651 RANCH Country Club to Shrieva Loop to Shrieva Court.
6218 NOKOMIS CT $257,900 4 2 1512 RANCH Childs or McEwan to Longfellow to Nokomis Ct
5206 ROYAL OAKS DR $449,900 5 3.1 2801 TRAD Carman to Waluga Drive to Royal Oaks Drive
18014 GIMLEY CT $539,900 5 3.1 4355 TRAD Southshore to Royce Way to Westview Dr. to Gimley Ct.
4158 CASEY CT $719,000 4 2.1 3385 TRAD Bryant Rd right on Chad right on Melissa right on Casey Ct
17460 WREN CT $940,000 4 3.1 3305 TRAD South Shore, South on Cedar to Wren St, left on Wren Ct, to end
17860 CRESTLINE DR $1,400,000 4 5.2 6810 CAPECOD Bergis to Skylands, to Crestline
17950 KELOK RD $199,900 $226,000 3 2 2376 DAYRNCH Bryant/Childs/Kelok-Hillside
785 3RD ST $248,000 $290,150 2 1 1856 COTTAGE A Avenue to 3rd
190 FURNACE ST $700,000 $686,700 5 4.1 4022 CRAFTSM State to Leonard to Furnace