Real Estate News ~
House Set to Extend Rural Home Loan Guarantee Program – A unanimous vote by the House Financial Services Committee will send the Rural Housing and Stabilization Act of 2010 to the full House of Representatives where it is said that it has been fast tracked for a vote as early as next week. Passing HR5017 will continue the availability of government guaranteed mortgages for rural home-buyers. If passed it will correct section 502 of the Single family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program to make it self-funding. Section 502 assists home-buyers living in rural areas to obtain affordable mortgages guaranteed by USDA. There has been great concern of late at announcements that there were no more funds for this program, so this is a welcome announcement for many. You must qualify credit-wise of course, and have reliable and adequate income. The average guarantee in 2009 was for $112,000.
Lock Box Activity – According to RMLS, when comparing the week of April 5th through April 11th with the week prior, the number of times a lock box was opened increased 33% in Washington and 26.6% in Oregon. Spring is in the air!
Community ~
Shred Day! Bring your shred-able items in to the West End Building on May 1st & protect your identity while you recycle. Credit Cards, staples, paper clips and rubber bands are all said to be acceptable. Up to three boxes per person will be accepted, and all are encouraged to bring cans of food to support the Oregon Food Bank. 10:00 AM till 1:00 PM or until the truck is full!
I LOVE LOPR Video Challenge – Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation is asking all those who love our parks to grab a camera and illustrate why! Take a photo of your favorite event, your favorite park, your favorite park activity… the list is endless. Details can be found HERE The list of prizes and sponsors is growing. Sign up for the challenge, OR sign up to be a sponsor.
Child Safety Seat Clinic – Come & make sure you know how to install your child’s safety seat property. This clinic will take place May 1st from 10:00 AM till 2:00 PM at 300 B Avenue/The Main Fire Station. Each seat takes about 30 minutes to check. Come and spend some time building peace of mind.