While we are all looking forward to celebration of the holidays, it’s not too early to start figuring out how to recycle your Christmas tree, if you have one to recycle.

Republic Services allows trees to be recycled in the normal curbside collection via your yard debris. Please remember that the tree must fit completely within the bin, and that may mean that you need to cut it up. They also offer tree pick up, for a fee, if you do not have yard debris collection as part of your normal service. You can call them at 503-636-3011, to make arrangements.
Local Scout Troop 221 will be recycling Christmas trees and wreaths between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Saturday, January 6 and Sunday, January 7. The drive-up recycling service will be located at the Mountain Park Church overflow parking lot (SW Jefferson Ave. & SW McNary Pkwy). The suggested donation is $12 per tree, $10 for wreath, and $15 for pick up in area codes 97219, 97034, 97035. Flocked trees are not accepted. This troop chips and mulches on site to help beautify the neighborhood. To schedule pick up, visit http://www.bsatroop221.us
Local Lake Oswego Girl Scout Troop 40343 will be recycling trees and wreaths from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the upper parking lot of George Rogers on the following dates: December 29, 30, 31 and January 1, 6, 7. Suggested starting donation is $20. If you have any questions, please email troop40343@gmail.com(link sends e-mail)
Lake Osweg Scout Troop 555 will be recycling Christmas trees and wreaths between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Saturday, January 6, and Sunday, January 7. The drive up recycling service will be in the Yakima parking lot at 4101 Kruse Way in Lake Oswego. The suggested donation is $10 per tree and $8 per wreath. For questions, please email Keith Morris, Scoutmaster, at kpmorris@centurylink.net
They also make for a very nice fire in outdoor fireplaces, which is what my husband and I will be doing.
Happy Holidays!