Many Realtors plan cruises and vacation trips at this time of year. Very early on in my real estate career, my Principal Broker handed me a tenet …an affirmation of sorts that I adopted as my own long ago when she said ~ “I am always busy in December.” And so it is.

Life goes on and people always have reasons to pursue changing their living environment no matter what time of year it is. You’ll often hear: “Wait till the spring” and the like. That may or may not be good advice when really looking at the individual’s situation and needs. I thought it might be useful to point out a few things about Real Estate at this time of year~
There are so many “extra” distractions right about now… gift-hunting, party-planning, wrapping, festive food-planning & preparation, school break planning for the kids…not to mention that it is often raining and cold and sometimes snowing. People who are looking for a home at this time of year are serious Buyers. So, as a homeowner who has a reason to make a life-change that involves selling your home right about now, the people coming through your home are not “just looking”. It’s a good thing to narrow/concentrate the Buyer-pool this way! Dianne also often points out that selling your property during the holidays allows you to really create those warm notes that often attract Buyers to a “home” rather than just a house~ Lights in the windows, festive decorations inside & out, and maybe even the smell of cookies authentically in the air. And from the other side of the equation~ Buyers, at this time of year may find they encounter Sellers who are more amenable to taking care of necessary safety/functional repair items and the tone is often more friendly with the goal of working toward mutual-benefit surrounding the transaction. ***So, generally, timing is usually some kind of factor for both the Buyer and the Seller right now which tends to create a cooperative mindset.
I thought it might be important for *someone* reading this to take note of these things should you find yourself in the midst of some life change nudging you to take action. As always, Dianne and I are here for you should this ever be the case.
Happy Holidays!