If you have driven anywhere near the lake in the last week or so you can not have helped but notice that the water level is down significantly. So what’s up?

Every 3 years the water level for the lake is dropped about 10 feet. This allows people who live on the lake to repair their sea walls, boat houses, and docks. It also allows maintenance to be done for the sewer lines that run along the bottom of the lake. This year a large section in Blue Heron canal is being almost completely replaced.
The drawdown starts in mid October and ends in early December. Then the lake is refilled by rainfall through the winter.
I will also say that, from my experience, it does and nice job of cleaning up the water quality. The lake is prone to grasses and algae and that sort of thing. The summer after a drawdown, swimming in the lake is much nicer than it is the summer before a drawdown.
So it’s all good. The lake will be full in time for the nice spring weather.
I hope you have found this information useful.