I have written about this once before, but it has been several years and it feels like a good time to revisit the topic of front doors.
As you get your home ready to put it onto the market, there is usually a list of must do’s: clean, touch up paint, de-clutter, it’s a very important list because it will enhance your proceeds to maximize your investment. Right at the top of that list should be preparing your front door.

Think about what happens at the front door. A Realtor arrives with clients. The lockbox must be located and opened, then the door needs to be unlocked. This takes just a few minutes, but during that time the perspective buyer is standing at the front door, looking around. Is the paint chipped? Is the door dirty? Or is everything spotlessly clean? Perhaps there is an interesting arrangement of plants or flowers? Perhaps a tasteful wreath is hung on the door? As the buyer stands there, they develop an opinion about what they are going to find inside. If the opinion is negative, well, that is a very bad start to the showing of your house. I believe that as buyers enter homes, they are looking to reinforce the opinion that they have already formed.
I also want to mention that you do not want to over decorate. One holiday item is enough. It should not look like your attic threw up all over your front porch. It should also not be crowded. Keep is simple and tasteful.
The front door is also one of the few items of home improvement that you will get back 100% of your investment. This is according to the National Association of Realtors. They put out an annual study with the rate of return on improvements and the front door is always right at the top of that list.
Wash the door thoroughly, even the weatherstripping and the threshold. Polish the hinges, handles, and knobs. If it needs painting, paint it. Be just as thorough around the porch and along the front walk. It’s not as big of a project as many other improvement items. It should be a no brainer.
Please let us know if you have questions and thank you for reading the blotter.
For the National Association of Realtors remodeling report, click here.