Holiday Decorations and Selling Your House

Do holiday decorations help or hurt the marketing of your house? I have some thoughts on this that I am eager to share.

I do think that holiday decorations enhance the showing of your house to potential buyers. Taking the time to decorate helps the potential buyer feel that you love and appreciate your home. It also creates a cozy environment as we experience shorter daylight hours and colder temperatures.

I don’t think that it helps with your marketing. By marketing I mean the photos that will appear on the Internet, in the Multiple Listing Service, and on fliers and in emails. The photos need to be timeless. You simply don’t know how long it will take to sell your house. Today, if on-line the photos are full of witches and ghosts, it immediately conveys to the public that you’ve had your house on the market since before Halloween. November 25th you don’t want the photos to be full of turkeys and cornucopias. So, have the professional photography done before you put up holiday decorations.

For the same reason, take down the holiday decorations in a timely fashion. Enjoying them for a week or so after the holiday is fine, but beyond that, take them down.

I hope you find this information helpful. As always, thanks for reading the blotter.
