When Linda and I started the property blotter, gosh, many years ago, we sat down and brainstormed names for our new blog. Linda suggested the “Property Blotter”. It’s named in reference to the police blotter that is published every week in the local newspaper, the Lake Oswego Review. I agreed that it was perfect. And so, the Property Blotter was born.
This week, I thought I’d share with you some recent police blotter entries:
3/13, 12:13 AM. Kides were skateboarding in a garage and hitting on an elevator near the 300 block of 1st Street.
3/13, 12:20 PM. Someone said their phone wasn’t working and at night they were seeing “weird lines and ropes coming over the house on their Ring camera.” It turned out to be condensation and rain causing the “ropes in the sky”.
3/13, 1:15 PM. High school-aged kids were seen near a tent or tarp near the 4100 block of Mellissa Drive.
3/14, 1:10 AM. Music was “blasting” and a caller worried something had happened to a homeowner near the 4000 block of Mercantile Drive.
3/14, 8:47 AM. A caller was worried about someone he’d been trying to reach for several days without success. It turned out the person had lost his phone and was OK.
3/14 2:33 PM. Six dogs were barking outside near the 16800 block of Cortez Court. The caller said it was a “hoarding situation”.
3/15. 4:10 PM. Someone demaded to talk to the police cheif at her house, as he was “the only one she can talk to and the only one wo can see what she sees”.
It’s pretty amuzing to read the police blotter. Yes, there are also serious incidents reported, but so much of it is trivial and even amuzing. Lake Oswego has a 100% response policy. You call the police and they will show up. There has even been a book written about the LO police blotter, No Call Too Small, by the staff at the Lake Oswego Review.

The amazing Lake Oswego police department is one of the many reasons that I love being a resident of LO.
As always, thanks for reading the blotter,