I’m reversing the order of my blog posts this week. Usually the market activity report is posted first and then an editorial. However, this week I want you to have a heads up about a great even this Saturday, with time to get it onto your calendar.
This is the 97th year for the Lake Grove Garden Club’s annual sale. It will be this Saturday, the 19th of June, from 9 to noon, at Our Saviors Lutheran Church on Quarry Rd.

A wide variety of plants and garden objects will be offered, most at prices significantly less than you would find at garden stores. This is possible because the plants have been raised and cultivated by members of the club.
Proceeds go to community projects to beautify the neighborhoods, to protect heritage plants, and to a scholarship to support a student who attends Clackamas Community College in the horticulture program. Very worthwhile!
For me gardening is a salve to my soul. Digging in the dirt really is so calming, peaceful, and rewarding. I think it’s also cheaper than therapy!