I had a great walk this morning that began and ended at Foothills Park. As I started out I came across this sign.

The sign itself is pretty informative. As it explains, the City of LO is putting 3 gnomes, Blossom, Greenie, and Oak, into 3 different parks. They will be moved each month between April and October to 3 new parks. The idea is to find them every month in order to explore the 21 Natural areas that the City maintains.
When you find a gnome, take a selfie and post it to social media using the hashtag #LOparksgnomes. Each time you post a selfie your name will be put into a drawing. In October a lucky winner will receive their very own gnome.
Finding the gnomes is a great incentive to get out and enjoy the fresh air, which is certainly one purpose for the gnomes. Another great purpose for this activity is to educate the citizens of Lake Oswego about the Stewardship Program that is run by the City Parks and Recreation Department. The Stewardship Program organizes events for volunteers to help with the cleaning and maintenance of the natural areas. Its a fun way to give back to the community, and to meet other great citizens.
In May the gnomes can be found in these 3 natural areas: Lamont Springs, Bryant Woods, and Woodmont. For a map of the gnomes parks for the month, and more information about the Stewardship Program, click here.
Happy gnome hunting!