There is a brand new program happening in Lake Oswego. It’s been organized by 7 volunteers at the Lake Oswego Adult Community Center. This program connects senior citizens with volunteers who make a weekly phone call to them to just have a nice, neighborly visit.
Paricularly in the time of Covid, people are feeling alone in their homes. Getting that phone call once a week can really brighten up a person’s life. I think the idea is just brilliant.
“We just chat about local stuff and stay connected to what’s going on in this beautiful city of ours” says coordinator Ross Fearey.

Referrals for potential recipiants to date have come from the Adult Community Center and also from Tony Sparling, the adult resources officer with the Lake Oswego Police Department.
If you or someone you know would benefit from participating in this program, call 503-636-5040 to make arrangements to receive regular calls.