Use a Realtor
It’s a very basic first step. First, Realtors go through back ground checks to gain a license in the State of Oregon. They are also finger printed. Our lockbox access ability is updated nightly. If a Realtor is convicted of a crime, they loose their license and their ability to access lockboxes is cut off immediately. Second, Realtors screen their clients. They make sure that they are viable and real buyers by having them get pre-approved with a lender. A professional Realtor does not want to waste their time or risk their own safety with someone who is putting on a con.
Put away jewelry, prescriptions, and small valuables
Even with strong due diligence from the Realtors who show your property, it is foolish to put out temptations that can be easily and quickly slipped into a pocket.
Never let someone tour your home that is not accompanied by their Realtor
No matter how convincing or friendly the person may seem, do not let them into your house. You have hired a Realtor and your professional is there to protect you by screening the person showing interest. Give them a copy of your agent’s business card or direct them to the phone number on the for sale sign.
Make Realtors use the lockbox
If a Realtor arrives to show the house and you have not yet left, don’t let them just go inside. Lock the house up and ask them to use the lockbox. This verifies that the person is in fact a bonafide agent in good standing.
That’s it. Just a few simple precautions and you and your home will be safe and secure.
I hope you found this helpful. As always, thanks for reading the blotter!