Summer is a full and rich time of year. I know it schedules out hard and heavy and I really have to prioritize what I want to do. So it’s easy to miss something here or there. This is one thing that you do not want to miss. Make an effort and take advantage of the LO Summer Concert Series. They are free and they are wonderful.
Curtis Salgado performed last night at Foothills Park. Children were the early dancers, but it did not take long for the full crowd to get involved. Curtis Salgado is internationally recognized. He was awarded the 2013 BB King Entertainer of the year award. He was John Belushi’s inspiration for the Blues Brothers. This is seriously great entertainment, and its FREE.
The next concert coming up will be July 28th, this Sunday, at Millennium Plaza Park, 6:00-7:30. Scott Cossu, a well-known, new-age pianist will be performing. His music is a blend of jazz, classical, and ethnic. It is bound to be good.
Then next Wednesday, July 31st from 6:30-8:30, Five Guys Named Moe will be performing at Foothills Park. This is a 12-piece show band with a huge horn section, back-up vocals, and strong lead singers. It sounds like the kind of band that makes you get onto your feet and move.
There is just something about live music on a summer evening. You can not help but smile and feel like this is what it is all about. I’ve got to share something so sweet, something so special, it really captures what I am trying to say here. At last night’s concert I saw a man wheel his wife in to the park in a wheel chair. As the music got going, he would lift her to her feet where she could stand, then, holding her hands between them, they danced. Smiling from ear to ear, they had a great time.
This is summer at its best. Don’t let it pass you by!