New listings were down last week with just 9, probably due to spring break. However, buyers were out shopping and 19 houses went pending. There were 10 closed sales.
See below for more details.
New Listings
89 Galen ST #89, condo, $45,000, 1 BR, 1 Bth
1 Crestfield Ct, condo, $59,950, 1 BR, 1 Bth
285 Cervantes, condo, $145,000, 3 BR, 1.5 Bths
170 Oswego Summit, condo, $149,900, 2 BR, 2 Bths
4000 Carmen Dr #107, condo, $159,900, 3 BR, 2 Bths
5467 Kenny St, detached, $169,000, 3 BR, 1 Bth
14326 Orchard Springs Rd, detached, $359,900, 4 BR, 2.5 Bths
1010 Hoodview Ln, detached, $799,000, 4 BR, 3 Bths
14536 Pfeifer Dr, detached, $1,200,000, 3 BR, 3.5 Bths
Pending Sales
92 Cervantes Circle, condo, $99,900, 2 BR, 1.5 Bths, 187 DOM
4000 Carman Dr #38, condo, $123,500, 2 BR, 2 Bths, 13 DOM
1700 Bonniebrae DR, attached, $249,000, 3 BR, 3 Bths, 269 DOM
4800 Lamont Way, detached, $249,500, 4 BR, 3 Bths, 5 DOM
1442 Ash St, detached, $250,000, 3 BR, 2 Bths, 21 DOM
17040 Fernwood DR, detached, $299,000, 3 BR, 2 Bths, 207 DOM
6 Preakness Ct, attached, $329,000, 3 BR, 2.5 Bths, 561 DOM
6666 Childs Rd, detached, $385,000, 3 BR, 1 Bth, 30 DOM
1657 Campus Way, detached, $385,000, 4 BR, 3 Bths, 596 DOM
13020 Princeton Ct, detached, $399,000, 4 BR, 2.5 Bths, 308 DOM
5786 Washington Ct, detached, $420,000, 4 BR, 3 Bths, 20 DOM
486 Livingood Ln, detached, $459,000, 4 BR, 3.5 Bths, 53 DOM
33 Westridge Dr, detached, $465,000, 5 BR, 3.5 Bths, 209 DOM
4730 Avery Ln, detached, $499,000, 4 BR, 2.5 Bths, 53 DOM
625 4th St, detached, $515,000, 4 BR, 3 Bths, 65 DOM
3660 Lake Grove Ave, detached, $539,000, 4 BR, 2.5 Bths, 62 DOM
5595 Luce Ln, detached, $579,900, 5 BR, 3 Bths, 82 DOM
4081 Pfeifer Ct, detached, $580,000, 5 BR, 3.5 Bths, 55 DOM
4110 Canal Rd, detached, $949,000, 4 BR, 3.5 Bths, 103 DOM
Closed Sales
4 Touchstone #67, condo, original price $99,000, closed price $80,000, 2 BR, 2 Bths, 100 CDOM
56 Galen St, condo, original price $98,000, closed price $80,691, 2 BR, 2 Bths, 41 CDOM
16250 Pacific Hwy #50, condo, original price $124,500, closed price $95,000, 2 BR, 2 Bths, 94 CDOM
16212 Lake Forest Blvd, detached, original price $249,000, closed price $210,000, 3 BR, 2 Bths, 151 CDOM
6380 Washington Ct, detached, original price $249,500, closed price $244,600, 3 BR, 2 Bths, 91 CDOM
5322 Charleton Ct, detached, original price $274,900, closed price $257,500, 3 BR, 2.5 Bths, 331 CDOM
705 Ellis Ave, detached, original price $269,900, closed price $269,900, 3 BR, 2.5 Bths, 7 CDOM
4793 Auburn Ln, attached, original price $389,900, closed price $377,900, 3 BR, 2.5 Bths, 139 CDOM
17434 Lake Haven Dr, detached, original price $1,595,000, closed price $1,531,000, 4 BR, 2.5 Bths, 8 CDOM
179 Furnace St, condo, original price $2,195,000, closed price $1,600,000, 3 BR, 3.5 Bths, 725 CDOM
Criteria: Homes in the 97034 and 97035 zip code, listed, pending or sold between the dates listed above as reported by the Regional Multiple Listing Service (RMLS). DETACHD refers to Single Family Detached Residence, MFG refers to manufactured housing, and ATTACHD refers to single-family residences with some portion of the structure attached to another property, but not constituting CONDO ownership. DOM stands for days on market, or the number of days from when the listing became active and when it received an acceptable offer, with CDOM standing for “cumulative days on market” accounting for “refreshed” listings